Join Novel & Novella's
Bubble Buggy Adventure
In A Musical Tale
Step into the magical attic of twins Novel and Novella, where an unexpected guest—world-famous apple chef, Chef de Pomme—makes a grand entrance! He’s on a quest for rare and special apples to create his renowned desserts, and he needs the twins' help.
Novel, an apple enthusiast, is thrilled, while Novella, always up for adventure, is curious to meet new friends—even if apples aren’t her favorite. In a flash, the Bubble Buggy whisks them away on a whirlwind journey! Together, they visit orchards and festivals across the globe, meeting fascinating people and learning new skills along the way.
The Apple-Y EverAfter Show captivates children with catchy rhymes, sight words, and interactive songs that make literacy fun. Through music, dance, and delicious apple-filled adventures, the show teaches kids to be brave, try new things, and celebrate diversity.
Join Novel, Novella, and Chef de Pomme as they hop from one exciting destination to the next, whipping up scrumptious apple desserts and learning that everyone can grow to love apples—maybe you will too!
For Schools:
For educators, this show is a great resource for fostering a love of literacy in your students. With interactive activities throughout the show, such as filling out their own Passport of Fun, students will be actively engaged. Theatrical experiences have been proven to not only benefit students’ academic achievement, but to also foster socioemotional learning, improve communication skills, enhance memory and concentration, and develop critical thinking skills. Set your kids up for academic success by booking our show!
After the show, you get to pick from two interactive programs: Cuddle and Read, or Playful Picasso.

Why Connection
To Creativity?

As the narrator of the story, the Storyteller plays an important role in being the guide of this show. The narrator welcomes the twins and Chef de Pomme to each new destination they encounter, plays all the fun characters they meet on their adventures, and keeps the storyline moving. With their ever-pleasant, engaging, and energetic demeanor, everyone is sure to be crystal clear on what’s happening throughout this apple-y adventure.
Novella is Novel’s twin sister. The gentle and more timid one of the pair, she loves to dance and practice sight words along with her teddy bear, Mr. Toplin. Even though she is not a fan of apples, Novella is excited to go on this apple-y adventure with her brother and the Chef. Along the way, she might even work up the courage to try something new.
Novel is Novella’s twin brother and he is always up for an adventure. He LOVES apples, loves rhyming, and loves learning. Novel is eager to go on this journey around the world and is always the first to volunteer to help or to try something new.
Chef de Pomme
Chef de Pomme is a lively, quirky French chef renowned for his apple desserts. He is on a quest to make it back in time to star in the baking show at a festival. On his way, he and the twins journey to several different countries, where he shows off his baking skills and knowledge of famous apple desserts all around the world.
Executive Producer: Stephaney Davis
Script Produce By: Connection to Creativity
Music Composer: Krystoph Deveaux
Show Lyrics By: Stephaney Davis & Juliette Butler

Bring The Apple-Y Everafter
Show To Your School!

“We experienced a magical afternoon immersed in a beautiful literary trip to Trinidad and Tobago, England, Russia, and Maine! 🇹🇹 🏴 🇷🇺 🇺🇸
We went on a Bubble Buggy adventure with siblings Novel and Novella on a search for apple themed recipes, and new words. 🍎 🍏 🍎 🍏
The boys made their own passports and got 4 new stamps and had so much fun dancing, singing, rhyming and learning about new places and cultures.
Thank you so much for bringing your vision to life. Please check out Connection To Creativity if your organization is looking to infuse an interactive, creative and fun new way to build up the love of reading for the children in your life.”
- Parent

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